This Met The Goal, But It’s Shameful

It’s been a while since I wrote or published anything for I have a lot of thoughts about many topics and ideas, but rarely are they tied together. Since I have no clear vision of what I want my blog to be about this makes it hard to write and since I don’t have an audience which to pander to I have an even more difficult time coming up with consistent thoughts to present in the written word.

This is the tragedy of being a collector of ideas. There are times when far too much is going on in my mind and I can’t pull together a coherent idea. I want to write about the fascinating ideas I developing in the Genesis. For a few days, I meander through a world of thought on adolescent development and creating rites of passage that help them move to adulthood. What for a minute and my mind will shift like Indiana weather and I will pontificate on leadership theory and how it affects the church in practical ways?

On my moodier days, I ruminate on my frustrations with pastoral ministry, the broken educational system, and politicians that are saying the same sorts of things but refuse to work together because of letter set beside their name.

In one sitting, you can find me quoting Eugene Peterson, C. S. Lewis, Mark Twain, James Baldwin, and Jordan Peterson.

On Sunday, I am ready to get a seminary degree and on Monday I’m looking at schools for counseling.

I swing between writing a murder mystery novel and a theological work on our understanding of grace, mercy, and sin.

Catch me after a good night’s sleep and a warm mug of tea and I am ready to plumb the depths of time theory and the development of our ethical positions.

This is all why my tag line for my site is, “Musing about things that may or may not deserve musing.”

How do you develop an audience when everything and nothing hold your attention?

Even this little ramble is an aimless sauntering for the sake of intellectual back patting. It isn’t likely to be read by anyone, so it ultimately doesn’t matter, but it meets my goal for the week.

Should you read this… If there is something specific you would like my thoughts on, please let me know.