Some Odds and Ends

Nick Mullis (That’s Me) was born and raised in a small town in Indiana. He has spent the last sixteen years investing in the lives of the young people in Lawrence County. In 2012 he founded a ministry to adolescents called, Between the Crowd. With the help of the Middle School Genius Dave, and numerous volunteers Between the Crowd has spoken into the lives of hundreds of local teens. Between the Crowd Nick loves to be on the road, traveling between 25,000 and 40,000 miles each year. Find him buried in a book, drinking tea, on his bike, or paddling a canoe around a lake or stream.

Need a Speaker:

One of Nick’s joys in life is speaking to groups. He has spoken at camps, in schools, at churches, and community events. He will make you laugh but he’s not a comedian. He will make you cry but he’s not an emotional speaker. He’ll make you want to be better, but he’s not a motivational speaker. Nick is a storyteller. He fell in love with the art when he was in second grade and has spent a lifetime learning the craft. If you need someone to speak to any group consider Nick. You can email him at: