The Questions You Asked Series… Q6

This question is part of a series, The Questions You Ask. I mean the responses to be short. If there is something you would like me to go more in depth on, please let me know. 

How can somebody overcome crippling loneliness, despite having plenty of friends?

I saved this question for last, because it is the hardest to answer briefly and maybe the most important question asked during this season in human history. I got input from friends in the world of counseling. 

First, we need to garner some understanding of where this pain comes from. There are multiple roots, but here are some questions to consider in self-examination. 

  • Are you battling anxiety or depression?
  • Have you faced a trauma you have shoved down and leaves you feeling disassociated from loved ones?
  • Do you have friends you feel you can be gut level honest with? 
  • Do you see yourself as someone worth knowing?

How do we respond to this pain? You may need to find some professional help, especially in the first two cases (I can point you in the right direction if you need to talk to someone). Beyond that, feelings of isolation and loneliness come from a negative place. God made us to live in a community. You need to change the story you are telling yourself. Start speaking and writing the things you are thankful for, look for ways to serve other people. Look at your thought patterns, are you living in the negative how can you interrupt that flow of self-talk. Lean more into developing a relationship with God who provides the highest value for you. 

I went a little over the word count, but it needed to happen. I end with this quote from Mother Teresa, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

The Questions You Asked Series… Q4/5

This question is part of a series, The Questions You Ask. I mean the responses to be short. If there is something you would like me to go more in depth on, please let me know. 

Today I am taking on two questions because they fit together too well to separate. That means the word count is a little higher but still meets the goal because I am under 500 words. 

Why do you think you are helping the community?

My gut response when I read this question was, “We don’t.” I was in a moment of frustration and mad at a couple of people I work with, and that blocked my ability to think clearly. That’s why I waited to respond to this question. 

I think we make a difference. It’s hard, though, to quantify the work that we do. William Bruce Cameron once said, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.”

I think this is true with any organization that works with people. We can give you numbers of involvement, but that doesn’t equate to difference made, that’s just the people involved. We may not know the impact we have had until way into the future, or maybe not even until the other side of resurrection. 

So the most honest answer is, I think so and I hope so.

Is there any proof that you are helping the community?

As I mentioned above, it’s difficult to quantify the work we do in a meaningful way. Here are some numbers and a couple of pieces of anecdotal evidence… 

During the 2019-2020 school year, we had over different 300 students involved in our weekly programs. Over 150 on a weekly basis. We had 2 dozen active volunteers. We took nearly 200 people on trips from Spring Break to Spring Break. Those are only the numbers we can track. We also substitute teach, coach sports, work with various committees and support and encourage many youth workers. The reach of our work is farther than we really understand. 

Twice in the last 6 years I have met with students that were on the verge of suicide and we were able to assist them in finding the help they needed. One is now a graduate of Purdue and doing incredible work. The other is a member of the US Airforce and serving our country. 

There are many other stories, but I limited my word count. 

To answer both questions succinctly… I hope and believe. Maybe? 

The Questions You Asked Series… Q3.

This question is part of a series, The Questions You Ask. I mean the responses to be short. If there is something you would like me to go more in depth on, please let me know. 

In a messed up world (ie. poverty, etc.), how can we be leaders in a broken society?

There is a question, and a George Bernard Shaw quote that hangs over my desk…

What are the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of Lawrence County?

“Some men see things as they are and say, ‘Why?’ I dream of things that never were and say, ‘Why not?’” 

I believe this is where we begin, at least as leaders. Some will think it’s a waste of time or we aren’t solving the problems. We live in a complex world, if we react to the circumstances we end up throwing bandaids on issues and hoping, ultimately, they will heal themselves. 

Leaders will pause and look for the foundation or core of the problem. What is the greatest need? To use your example. Poverty is rampant in city “A”. The reactive response may be to create a shelter or meal center, both admirable works, but do they heal the problem that led to an epidemic of poverty? Is the real issue lack of jobs? Is it a sense of hopelessness? Is there a drug or alcohol problem that contributed to a higher level of poverty? Is poverty the issue or a symptom? 

To lead well, we have to dig down and find the source of the hurt, and from that place we begin the healing process. 

The Questions You Asked Series… Q2.

This question is part of a series, The Questions You Ask. I mean the responses to be short. If there is something you would like me to go more in depth on, please let me know. 

“What has been the most interesting question you have had asked of you?”

I get asked questions all the time. I love questions, especially when they are honest questions that come from a place of garnering wisdom and understanding. One of the harder questions and, ultimately, interesting questions I have ever been asked is, “Why are you a Christian?” They asked me, then told me I had to respond in three sentences. The word limit made it difficult, but upped the ante on how interesting it was as a question. 

This was my response, though not personal, and it rings a bit cold. It is true and a starting point for deeper discussions elsewhere.

“To an honest observer, there is a substantial energy that moves our universe. The testimony of other observers and personal encounters leads me to believe that energy desires goodness. In Christian faith I find a name for that goodness and we define it in a clear fashion that intersects with the testimony of the other observers and myself—offering hope for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”

Not the greatest or most profound response, I know. By way of compliment, my friend said, “Seemed C. S. Lewis like.” I’ve been called worse than C. S. Lewis like.   

The Questions You Asked Series… Q1.

“How has God impacted your life today?”

This is a great question for me to wrestle with at this moment. I am currently a few days into a quarantine. Since I live alone and don’t have any pets, things can be pretty quiet in my world. It would be easy to just stay in bed and sleep through the remaining days of isolation, but I have chosen to get up and face each day and learn what I can learn. After all, there is a lot to read and a lot to write. Living inside also limits my ability to wax poetic about the wonders of nature or the spectacle of the stars. 

I am reminded of a quote by Henry David Thoreau, “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” 

Though my days are contained inside my house, at the moment, I am learning to be present. I am learning to find the joy of the mundane. In each moment I am learning to see the signature of God and who He is teaching me to be. 

In short, God has impacted my life today by showing me grace, mercy, and love. He has reminded me of places I need to learn and lean into him. Today I am a better man than I was yesterday and tomorrow I hope that is also true.